Thursday, August 20, 2009

..peer pressure [10th entry]..

Back in my high school life, I have this very unforgettable experience due to bad peer pressure or negative peer pressure.
It was the night after the Christmas day, my friends, which are very close to me and whom I trusted the most, went to our house to visit me and my family and to know if we're celebrating christmas very joyfully. There's no really intension of doing this thing, it was really like a game or a deal. My friends planned of inviting me to have some drink. It was really our first time if that's so. A friend of mine suggested if we could drink. She first invite the others and they agreed except for me. But unfortunately, I can't resist them. After a while I agreed with them but with conditions. I told them never to be drunk.
After some hours, one of my friend, who is the one who suggested the session, got drunk and she was very noisy around. She didn't even know what she was doing as we told the story to her.
Our session lasted until 1 in the morning.
After that experience, I realized that I should know when to say "NO" to what my friends wanted me to do. I also learned that before I make a decision I must think quickly and intelligently and also responsibly.

..responsibility [9th entry]..

For me, I can say that a person is responsible if he/she knows how to manage his/her time and if he/she does his/her work on time.
A responsible person must know what is right and what is wrong.
He/she must know how to control things and manage them very plainly.
Each of us have our own responsibilities as an individual being. I, too, have many responsibilities in my life to be accomplished.
My responsibilities at home is to help my family in the daily chores especially and commonly, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, cleaning the house and one of my responsibility at home, since I'm the eldest, is to take good care of my siblings and make sure that they are at home before the night strikes and that they do their assignments and projects on time.
In school, we also have our responsibilities. For example, my responsibility in school is to study and listen to my professors, to maintain the cleanliness in the campus, to make projects and assignments, and to do all my duties in school as a student.
In my community, my responsibility is to help my neighbors and be one of them, to keep the cleanliness and orderliness of the community, to respect all those who are in the position and to maintain the good name of my community just like maintaining the good name of my school, which is also one of my responsibility in school.

..challenge [8th entry]..

I chose the challenges: a. tell the truth c. admit mistake d. return excess change e. avoid cheating. Honestly, I have tried to take all the challenges but unfortunately I am not able to accomplish the second challenge which is to return recovered things because I have nothing to return to any one.
During my first challenge: to tell the truth, I'm thankful because I am able to accomplish and do it. I felt very peaceful and calm because I don't have to worry things that keeps on lingering in my mind. About this challenge, I am able to say to my mom that I have failed my second long exam in IT and because I told her earlier, she didn't get angry and told me to study harder.
On the other hand, I also take the challenge to admit my mistake. It's when a friend of mine and I have this little misunderstanding about a certain thing. And I admit to her that it's my fault and not him. I am able to lower my pride and I'm the first one to apologize to him. When I do this thing I felt very eased. I felt that my burdens were washed away and I have nothing to worry about.
Another challenge that I took up was to return the excess change. My mom gave me two thousand pesos for me to pay my miscellaneous fee in school. As soon as I got home, I gave the change to her but luckily, she said that I can keep it as my extra money. I'm so happy for myself to have such a reward for being an honest sweet girl.
I also tried the last challenge: to avoid cheating. I honestly don't cheat because I believe that I can do things through my own skills and intelligence. I believe that each of us don't have to copy from others especially on quizzes and exams because I believe that each of us have our own capability and intelligence in understanding things as long as we listen and review for it and as long as we exert effort to make things possible.
After all the challenges that I take, I felt very complete and very comfortable. I'm glad to know that I have accomplished the challenges and that it do me good.
I realized that honesty is really the best policy that each one of us should always keep on mind because this will help you to relax and keep you away from worrying on too many problems.

..realizations and plans on my health [7th entry]..

As I evaluate my personal health assessment, I found out that I'm not that healthy enough. In physical health, I can say that I'm healthy because I take good care of myself. In social health, I got no problem with it because it's very easy for me to communicate to others because I know I'm friendly enough for them. But when talked about environmental health, I'm not that healthy because sometimes I didn't put in mind about the importance of our environment. Sometimes, I throw my trash somewhere along the road, I don't conserve water especially when washing plates simply because I enjoy the presence of water.
I'm doing my best to be healthy not only physically or mentally or socially but also environmentally.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

..excellence.. [6th journal entry]

..i have taken the first challenge which is to get a high score in a quiz or seatwork..
..i get the highest score in our seatwork in HUM011..
..i felt very glad about my score and of course i'm glad that i exert my very best to have a high score..
..i have also taken the second challenge which is to recite at least once in any courses..
..actually, i always recite in class and in any courses so that's not a problem with me to take up this challenge..
..after reciting in any courses, i felt very happy that i am able to answer my professor's questions..
..gladly and lastly, i also have taken the last challenge which is to submit a quality assignment or requirement..
..every time i do my assignment or requirement, i make sure of its quality..
..i make sure that my professors would appreciate all my works and that the feed back would be better..
..after challenging myself with all the tasks, i felt really glad, i enjoy my work and the challenge, and i felt very accomplished or relieved..

Monday, August 3, 2009

..the most challenging thing i have ever accomplished [5th entry]..

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished was being the Salutatorian of the class when I graduated at my previous school.
It was really a very hard responsibility for me because I have to balance my studies as well as my social life.
I have to maintain my grades without forgetting to enjoy.

These are my medals which are enclosed in a frame to serve as my remembrance.

During our Graduation, I received medals including being the Slutatorian, my loyalty award, cadette officer of the year and many more.. :)
There was a time when I focused on the happiness of my social life and I let my studies down (not really down after all). I should suppose to be on the top but because of the incident I lost my path. On the third quarter I gained again my position s the top of the class. But during the last and final quarter, I became the second from the top. Not because I have forgotten again my studies but because I'm very busy with my chess career for my school choose me and my sister to be the representative of our school in girl's division in chess.

My chess career was also a challenging thing to me for it required my whole attention and I have to focused on it for I was being chosen to repreent the school and I have to show what we've got when it comes to chess.
At first, I don't really play chess. It was my younger sister and my father who always plays it. It just happen that my sister had a great interest in chess that it inspires me when she received a lot of medals and trophies in chess. So when the school told me that if I like to join in chess club, I doesn't hesitate to approve. I like to learn and discover if this game is really for me.
Our trainer said that I have this very great ability in playing chess with my own deadly strategy. When I have heard about this, I was very glad and I focused on the game and train very hard. I have played on different chess tournaments along with my sister and our chessmates.
We have this saying with us that when we enter a chess tournament, it's not the price that is very valuable but the experience and lessons we have learned during the game. Whatever happen, whenever we win or lose the game we always remember this for this really helped us to be a best chess player.

I have this photos of mine during the CITY MEET 2008.
Unfortunately, I haven't been included to join and play for the SOUTHERN TAGALOG CALABARZON ATHLEYIC ASSOCIATION. But it's okay with me at least I have experienced playing chess with others and share with them what I have learned.

This is the uniform of CITY MEET 2008. It include jersey shorts and a cap which can be seen below this picture.

This photo is taken before the games. The venue is on Sta. Rosa Education Institute (SREI). The chess pieces were arranged and check if the pieces were on the right column.

I'm very thankful to God for I always rely and ask guidance to him before I have achieved these accomplishments. I am also thankful to myself for I exert my best effort to achieve this goal of mine and that I have overcome all the obstacles I have passed before my achievements.

..self evaluation [4th entry]..

As I look back on the list of my positive attitude list, I felt very overwhelmed and glad that I possess those attitudes taht really helped me a lot as I take my path through success.

Not all people possess those positive attitudes or characteristics as I do so I'm very thankful that God had blessed me with such a quality or characteristics.

We all have our own characteristics and attitudes and we should respect it. We should not judge others that quick base in their attitude, who knows it may just be our first impressions.

The way we respect and honor ourselves must be the same as we respect others.


In some instances or situation like for example, I have given a wrong answer to the question being asked by my teacher, I don't want to be laughed with, it's okay with me if they laugh for even a bit but not very loud because it makes me feel very down, or, they could react or correct me.

Another example is when I have given the opportunity to express my opinion during a group discussion about a certain topic, I want everybody to listen to me andrespect my opinion because I will also respect theirs.

When I give suggestions, I also like them to respect my suggestion and they can freely object if they want to.

Just like the other situations, when I commit a mistake, they can correct me and they can give their opinions and suggestions.
When it comes to giving suggestions and comments, I'm open with that and there's nothing wrong when they ask me to react on a certain topic. I'm always on the go!!! ;)
Other situations like, asking me to do a certain thing that I really don't like to do, I will talk to them about that and explain to them the reason why I don't like to do it and if that's so, I want them to respect my decision and they shouldn't have to insist.
In terms with dealing with MCL community, I highly show my respect to them. I don't talk on their backs and I always greet them whenever I see them around the campus. The security guards were so kind and very approachable. Whenever we need and find someone's location, they are always alert. Some make fun of the guards but they shouldn't because they are doing their works unless the guard/s was very friendly and likes to chat with the students. Not only the guards but also to the other staffs, personnel, the teachers and employees.
We should all learn how to respect first ourselves and respect others too so that we'll all have a good communication with each other.

Monday, July 6, 2009

..think positive [3rd entry]..

If I will have one outstanding virtue, that would be having a positive attitude.
Having a positive attitude really helps me a lot. During my dark hours, I'm having a hard time dealing with my problems but as I realize that thinking about how hard it seems,it would be much better if I think of the right way. I always keep in mind that everything I have to do, I can do it as long as I think positively that I can really do it.
By having a positive attitude,it helps me to achieve my goals and attain success,faster and more easily. It gives me more happiness and energy and help me in having a bright day. It helps me to be inspired and be motivated in the tasks that I do and also to help motivate others that they can do things.
To gain positive attitude, I think you should have faith in yourself and also to God and to associate ourselves with happy people around us.
So we should remember to trust ourselves and always think POSITIVE [as in walang aayaw] hehehe...

Monday, June 29, 2009

..personal values check list..

10 most important values to me:
1. adventure
2. challenge
3. creativity
4. friendship
5. love.romance
6. positive attitude
7. quality of work
8. simplicity
9. skill
10. unity

..journal entry # 2..

My first week at MCL was enjoyable but also tiring. At first i felt very nervous because I'm not familiar with the place. But luckily, I have met a friend and as days goes by, I started to know and gain more friends who are so fun to be with. Though I need more time to adjust, I'm sure it won't be hard enough.

I know that all my professors are very approachable and I strongly feel it. During my first day, I was able to meet my drawing professor which is Professor. Henry L. Paz. He's strict when it matters about drawing but he's not that strict after all. Then I met Professor. Jane Gargasin, my professor in SS016 or social science. She's very jolly and I love the way she teach. It seems like she's very energetic and her voice is very "malambing". On the following day, I met Professor. Ria Grace Abdon, my math professor. At first I thought she was very strict but I was wrong, she was very helpful after all. She never leaves a single lesson unless we fully understands it. And after that I met my professor in values, Professor. Remilyn Mondez. I met her during the MELT. She was kind and I admire her because she talks fluently in English. I wish I could be fluent in speaking in English someday. On our third subject for the second day which was humanities, our professor in that course was Professor. Rowena Dela Cruz. She told us that we can call her Ma'am DC. I love the way she discuss our lesson because she's also the energetic type. She doesn't make the subject a boring one to everybody in the class. During humanities, she always gives examples which we can relate ourselves and make us laugh. Then on the third day, I met our IT professor which is Professor. Leonell De Mesa. At first silence covered the laboratory until he introduces himself and after that we introduced ourselves too. He's a bit of a serious type but he teaches very well. On the fourth day, I gladly met Professor. Rovilla Sudaprasert, my professor in English. Her surname sounds very unfamiliar to me. She also teaches very well and she's very kind too. She has a soft voice and she's also fluent in speaking English. And lastly, I met my professor in P,E. I just met him last Friday during our first P.E orientation. He was Professor. Mendelson Cabalig. He's cool and I like him. He's interrogating us, I mean he asks question about our love life during our orientation. hehehe.. XD Even though they have their unique characteristics and traits, I love listening to them because I learned something new from them that can help me achieve my goal.
About my block mates, they are very naughty and very funny as well. Some of them acts very weird, others are just plain quiet, and the rest are jolly type of people. I enjoy being with them. Whatever their traits are, it doesn't matter as long as we understand each other. I think our strength is our happiness. When one of us makes a funny joke, the rest can't help but laugh with everybody, making the whole class very happy. I think our weakness is some of our subjects especially drawing and math. Some of us are not good in drawing as well as in math so they are finding it hard to get a high score or a high grade. But I know each of us our trying to do our very best to pass our subjects.

I find all my courses as challenging. It always challenges me to do much better and to study more hard. Some are not too easy and not too hard, others are just right. I find humanities and math easy for now but not that very easy. And I find drawing as the very challenging ones.

In terms of academic, I think I don't need too much adjustment. For now the courses are simply easy and I can still handle it. In emotions, I'm still adjusting on handling stresses. In social environment? Not so. Because I'm on my third week now and I'm now familiar on the places around the campus and I have plenty of friends now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

..making transition from high school to college..

Now that I have stepped on my college life, there are many changes that I have observed.

When I was in high school, I can't do a certain thing like waking up late, riding a jeepney or tricycle to go to school. Now in my college life, I'm attending an afternoon class so I can sleep longer than before unlike waking up very early in the morning to get prepared for the coming flag ceremony especially during Mondays and now that I'm studying at MCL which is located very far from our house, I have to ride a tricycle twice and a jeepney to go to it. When I'm studying at Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa, my previous school, it's just a few distance away from home so it's just a walking distance.

My schedule before was very different from my schedule now. In my high school days, we discuss 8-9 subjects everyday but now, we're discussing 2-3 subjects everyday.
Back in my high school days, Saturdays are only for make-up classes, I mean for example: today is Wednesday and the classes are suspended until Friday because of a strong typhoon, we have to pay the day the classes are suspended so we can complete the attendance. So we have to attend classes on Saturdays depending on the number of days that the classes were suspended.
Before, we call our teachers "ma'am, ms. or sir" but now we call them the same or better way as "prof." as short for professor.
But even though college life is not exactly the same standards compare to high school life, I have to make an adjustment for myself so I can follow my way to my own success.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

..after you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college..

We all have our own experiences in our lives. Experiences are important to us. They serves as memories in our mind. It might be a good ones or a bad ones but the sure thing is, we learn from these things.

During my first day at MCL, I felt very excited and nervous as well. Excited, because it's my first day there. Nervous, because I have no idea of what to do around there I mean I'm afraid that I might do something wrong without noticing that it's wrong after all [somewhat a thought like that]. But I learned to gain confidence and ease my shyness away. I should be prepared to face the new challenges in my life. I also learned to make new friends with the new faces around me.

I remember when I was late for my first subject, the drawing class, during my first day. I felt very ashamed. But after that I learned something from that experience. And since then, I always come to school before twelve. ahahaha :)

And after my 1st week at MCL, I started to earn more friends. At first I thought that some of my classmates are a snobbish type of people but as I befriended them, I get to know them better and knew that they are not what I have thought before. As of now, I have many friends in the class. We helped each other especially when we have assignment in math. But to clear things up, we don't copy each others assignment but we copy the given question because we don't have books yet.
Through these experiences, it helped me adjust successfully and will continually help me into my college life. can values education work to your advantage..

Values education implies the teaching of people the right character an individual should possess to be able to be socially-accepted or to be a well-mannered person. This also refers to helping people to acquire moral habits that will help them to live good lives individually and at the same time to be productive and to be a contributing member of the community.

I first took up values education at home when I haven't start schooling yet, wherein my parents taught me the proper character or the right behavior I should do. They keep on reminding me not to do this, not to do that and so on. I still remember a time when we started schooling, my dad keeps on reminding us to behave in school and never to be naughty because the teacher might get angry. He also reminds us to be honest especially when being asked of a serious question. From time to time, he always says, "darling,please behave", "please talk politely to elder people", "never say bad words", the things that I also learned from school, to have an attitude. My teacher's in GMRC or CBA teaches us to be generous, to be kind, to be nice, to be friendly because they always say, people can determine how your parents take care of you through your values or the way you interact with people and how you treated them.

I have learned so many things in values education when I started to step on my high school life. I find values education as a very enjoying and interesting subject eventhough for others they might find it boring. Why? Because we are being taught to share our experiences. I mean you should not be ashamed to share those crazy stuffs you have done,your experiences or stories with other people around you. For you can learn something new or discover a new thing that you have never done before with those experiences. Hence values education really educated me with values. It helps me acquire moral habits that will help me to individually live a good life and at the same time to be productive and to be a contributing member of the community.

As I noticed the lives of famous people, I always ask myself how do they become very successful and famous. And as I discover the answers, I always end up thinking that their values really affect them. Their values guided them and propelled them to the top of their own fields. Whatever our values are, as long as we keep them in our hearts and minds, great accomplishment and success will sure follow.
So for me, values education is really significant to one's success. When we identify the values that are meaningful to us, we should implement it and apply those values in our daily lives. We just have to learn to adopt values to attract the achievement or success that we are aiming for.