Thursday, June 18, 2009

..after you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college..

We all have our own experiences in our lives. Experiences are important to us. They serves as memories in our mind. It might be a good ones or a bad ones but the sure thing is, we learn from these things.

During my first day at MCL, I felt very excited and nervous as well. Excited, because it's my first day there. Nervous, because I have no idea of what to do around there I mean I'm afraid that I might do something wrong without noticing that it's wrong after all [somewhat a thought like that]. But I learned to gain confidence and ease my shyness away. I should be prepared to face the new challenges in my life. I also learned to make new friends with the new faces around me.

I remember when I was late for my first subject, the drawing class, during my first day. I felt very ashamed. But after that I learned something from that experience. And since then, I always come to school before twelve. ahahaha :)

And after my 1st week at MCL, I started to earn more friends. At first I thought that some of my classmates are a snobbish type of people but as I befriended them, I get to know them better and knew that they are not what I have thought before. As of now, I have many friends in the class. We helped each other especially when we have assignment in math. But to clear things up, we don't copy each others assignment but we copy the given question because we don't have books yet.
Through these experiences, it helped me adjust successfully and will continually help me into my college life.