Thursday, June 18, 2009 can values education work to your advantage..

Values education implies the teaching of people the right character an individual should possess to be able to be socially-accepted or to be a well-mannered person. This also refers to helping people to acquire moral habits that will help them to live good lives individually and at the same time to be productive and to be a contributing member of the community.

I first took up values education at home when I haven't start schooling yet, wherein my parents taught me the proper character or the right behavior I should do. They keep on reminding me not to do this, not to do that and so on. I still remember a time when we started schooling, my dad keeps on reminding us to behave in school and never to be naughty because the teacher might get angry. He also reminds us to be honest especially when being asked of a serious question. From time to time, he always says, "darling,please behave", "please talk politely to elder people", "never say bad words", the things that I also learned from school, to have an attitude. My teacher's in GMRC or CBA teaches us to be generous, to be kind, to be nice, to be friendly because they always say, people can determine how your parents take care of you through your values or the way you interact with people and how you treated them.

I have learned so many things in values education when I started to step on my high school life. I find values education as a very enjoying and interesting subject eventhough for others they might find it boring. Why? Because we are being taught to share our experiences. I mean you should not be ashamed to share those crazy stuffs you have done,your experiences or stories with other people around you. For you can learn something new or discover a new thing that you have never done before with those experiences. Hence values education really educated me with values. It helps me acquire moral habits that will help me to individually live a good life and at the same time to be productive and to be a contributing member of the community.

As I noticed the lives of famous people, I always ask myself how do they become very successful and famous. And as I discover the answers, I always end up thinking that their values really affect them. Their values guided them and propelled them to the top of their own fields. Whatever our values are, as long as we keep them in our hearts and minds, great accomplishment and success will sure follow.
So for me, values education is really significant to one's success. When we identify the values that are meaningful to us, we should implement it and apply those values in our daily lives. We just have to learn to adopt values to attract the achievement or success that we are aiming for.