Monday, June 29, 2009

..journal entry # 2..

My first week at MCL was enjoyable but also tiring. At first i felt very nervous because I'm not familiar with the place. But luckily, I have met a friend and as days goes by, I started to know and gain more friends who are so fun to be with. Though I need more time to adjust, I'm sure it won't be hard enough.

I know that all my professors are very approachable and I strongly feel it. During my first day, I was able to meet my drawing professor which is Professor. Henry L. Paz. He's strict when it matters about drawing but he's not that strict after all. Then I met Professor. Jane Gargasin, my professor in SS016 or social science. She's very jolly and I love the way she teach. It seems like she's very energetic and her voice is very "malambing". On the following day, I met Professor. Ria Grace Abdon, my math professor. At first I thought she was very strict but I was wrong, she was very helpful after all. She never leaves a single lesson unless we fully understands it. And after that I met my professor in values, Professor. Remilyn Mondez. I met her during the MELT. She was kind and I admire her because she talks fluently in English. I wish I could be fluent in speaking in English someday. On our third subject for the second day which was humanities, our professor in that course was Professor. Rowena Dela Cruz. She told us that we can call her Ma'am DC. I love the way she discuss our lesson because she's also the energetic type. She doesn't make the subject a boring one to everybody in the class. During humanities, she always gives examples which we can relate ourselves and make us laugh. Then on the third day, I met our IT professor which is Professor. Leonell De Mesa. At first silence covered the laboratory until he introduces himself and after that we introduced ourselves too. He's a bit of a serious type but he teaches very well. On the fourth day, I gladly met Professor. Rovilla Sudaprasert, my professor in English. Her surname sounds very unfamiliar to me. She also teaches very well and she's very kind too. She has a soft voice and she's also fluent in speaking English. And lastly, I met my professor in P,E. I just met him last Friday during our first P.E orientation. He was Professor. Mendelson Cabalig. He's cool and I like him. He's interrogating us, I mean he asks question about our love life during our orientation. hehehe.. XD Even though they have their unique characteristics and traits, I love listening to them because I learned something new from them that can help me achieve my goal.
About my block mates, they are very naughty and very funny as well. Some of them acts very weird, others are just plain quiet, and the rest are jolly type of people. I enjoy being with them. Whatever their traits are, it doesn't matter as long as we understand each other. I think our strength is our happiness. When one of us makes a funny joke, the rest can't help but laugh with everybody, making the whole class very happy. I think our weakness is some of our subjects especially drawing and math. Some of us are not good in drawing as well as in math so they are finding it hard to get a high score or a high grade. But I know each of us our trying to do our very best to pass our subjects.

I find all my courses as challenging. It always challenges me to do much better and to study more hard. Some are not too easy and not too hard, others are just right. I find humanities and math easy for now but not that very easy. And I find drawing as the very challenging ones.

In terms of academic, I think I don't need too much adjustment. For now the courses are simply easy and I can still handle it. In emotions, I'm still adjusting on handling stresses. In social environment? Not so. Because I'm on my third week now and I'm now familiar on the places around the campus and I have plenty of friends now.