Monday, June 22, 2009

..making transition from high school to college..

Now that I have stepped on my college life, there are many changes that I have observed.

When I was in high school, I can't do a certain thing like waking up late, riding a jeepney or tricycle to go to school. Now in my college life, I'm attending an afternoon class so I can sleep longer than before unlike waking up very early in the morning to get prepared for the coming flag ceremony especially during Mondays and now that I'm studying at MCL which is located very far from our house, I have to ride a tricycle twice and a jeepney to go to it. When I'm studying at Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa, my previous school, it's just a few distance away from home so it's just a walking distance.

My schedule before was very different from my schedule now. In my high school days, we discuss 8-9 subjects everyday but now, we're discussing 2-3 subjects everyday.
Back in my high school days, Saturdays are only for make-up classes, I mean for example: today is Wednesday and the classes are suspended until Friday because of a strong typhoon, we have to pay the day the classes are suspended so we can complete the attendance. So we have to attend classes on Saturdays depending on the number of days that the classes were suspended.
Before, we call our teachers "ma'am, ms. or sir" but now we call them the same or better way as "prof." as short for professor.
But even though college life is not exactly the same standards compare to high school life, I have to make an adjustment for myself so I can follow my way to my own success.