Thursday, August 20, 2009

..responsibility [9th entry]..

For me, I can say that a person is responsible if he/she knows how to manage his/her time and if he/she does his/her work on time.
A responsible person must know what is right and what is wrong.
He/she must know how to control things and manage them very plainly.
Each of us have our own responsibilities as an individual being. I, too, have many responsibilities in my life to be accomplished.
My responsibilities at home is to help my family in the daily chores especially and commonly, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, cleaning the house and one of my responsibility at home, since I'm the eldest, is to take good care of my siblings and make sure that they are at home before the night strikes and that they do their assignments and projects on time.
In school, we also have our responsibilities. For example, my responsibility in school is to study and listen to my professors, to maintain the cleanliness in the campus, to make projects and assignments, and to do all my duties in school as a student.
In my community, my responsibility is to help my neighbors and be one of them, to keep the cleanliness and orderliness of the community, to respect all those who are in the position and to maintain the good name of my community just like maintaining the good name of my school, which is also one of my responsibility in school.