Thursday, August 6, 2009

..excellence.. [6th journal entry]

..i have taken the first challenge which is to get a high score in a quiz or seatwork..
..i get the highest score in our seatwork in HUM011..
..i felt very glad about my score and of course i'm glad that i exert my very best to have a high score..
..i have also taken the second challenge which is to recite at least once in any courses..
..actually, i always recite in class and in any courses so that's not a problem with me to take up this challenge..
..after reciting in any courses, i felt very happy that i am able to answer my professor's questions..
..gladly and lastly, i also have taken the last challenge which is to submit a quality assignment or requirement..
..every time i do my assignment or requirement, i make sure of its quality..
..i make sure that my professors would appreciate all my works and that the feed back would be better..
..after challenging myself with all the tasks, i felt really glad, i enjoy my work and the challenge, and i felt very accomplished or relieved..