Monday, August 3, 2009

..self evaluation [4th entry]..

As I look back on the list of my positive attitude list, I felt very overwhelmed and glad that I possess those attitudes taht really helped me a lot as I take my path through success.

Not all people possess those positive attitudes or characteristics as I do so I'm very thankful that God had blessed me with such a quality or characteristics.

We all have our own characteristics and attitudes and we should respect it. We should not judge others that quick base in their attitude, who knows it may just be our first impressions.

The way we respect and honor ourselves must be the same as we respect others.


In some instances or situation like for example, I have given a wrong answer to the question being asked by my teacher, I don't want to be laughed with, it's okay with me if they laugh for even a bit but not very loud because it makes me feel very down, or, they could react or correct me.

Another example is when I have given the opportunity to express my opinion during a group discussion about a certain topic, I want everybody to listen to me andrespect my opinion because I will also respect theirs.

When I give suggestions, I also like them to respect my suggestion and they can freely object if they want to.

Just like the other situations, when I commit a mistake, they can correct me and they can give their opinions and suggestions.
When it comes to giving suggestions and comments, I'm open with that and there's nothing wrong when they ask me to react on a certain topic. I'm always on the go!!! ;)
Other situations like, asking me to do a certain thing that I really don't like to do, I will talk to them about that and explain to them the reason why I don't like to do it and if that's so, I want them to respect my decision and they shouldn't have to insist.
In terms with dealing with MCL community, I highly show my respect to them. I don't talk on their backs and I always greet them whenever I see them around the campus. The security guards were so kind and very approachable. Whenever we need and find someone's location, they are always alert. Some make fun of the guards but they shouldn't because they are doing their works unless the guard/s was very friendly and likes to chat with the students. Not only the guards but also to the other staffs, personnel, the teachers and employees.
We should all learn how to respect first ourselves and respect others too so that we'll all have a good communication with each other.