Monday, August 3, 2009

..the most challenging thing i have ever accomplished [5th entry]..

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished was being the Salutatorian of the class when I graduated at my previous school.
It was really a very hard responsibility for me because I have to balance my studies as well as my social life.
I have to maintain my grades without forgetting to enjoy.

These are my medals which are enclosed in a frame to serve as my remembrance.

During our Graduation, I received medals including being the Slutatorian, my loyalty award, cadette officer of the year and many more.. :)
There was a time when I focused on the happiness of my social life and I let my studies down (not really down after all). I should suppose to be on the top but because of the incident I lost my path. On the third quarter I gained again my position s the top of the class. But during the last and final quarter, I became the second from the top. Not because I have forgotten again my studies but because I'm very busy with my chess career for my school choose me and my sister to be the representative of our school in girl's division in chess.

My chess career was also a challenging thing to me for it required my whole attention and I have to focused on it for I was being chosen to repreent the school and I have to show what we've got when it comes to chess.
At first, I don't really play chess. It was my younger sister and my father who always plays it. It just happen that my sister had a great interest in chess that it inspires me when she received a lot of medals and trophies in chess. So when the school told me that if I like to join in chess club, I doesn't hesitate to approve. I like to learn and discover if this game is really for me.
Our trainer said that I have this very great ability in playing chess with my own deadly strategy. When I have heard about this, I was very glad and I focused on the game and train very hard. I have played on different chess tournaments along with my sister and our chessmates.
We have this saying with us that when we enter a chess tournament, it's not the price that is very valuable but the experience and lessons we have learned during the game. Whatever happen, whenever we win or lose the game we always remember this for this really helped us to be a best chess player.

I have this photos of mine during the CITY MEET 2008.
Unfortunately, I haven't been included to join and play for the SOUTHERN TAGALOG CALABARZON ATHLEYIC ASSOCIATION. But it's okay with me at least I have experienced playing chess with others and share with them what I have learned.

This is the uniform of CITY MEET 2008. It include jersey shorts and a cap which can be seen below this picture.

This photo is taken before the games. The venue is on Sta. Rosa Education Institute (SREI). The chess pieces were arranged and check if the pieces were on the right column.

I'm very thankful to God for I always rely and ask guidance to him before I have achieved these accomplishments. I am also thankful to myself for I exert my best effort to achieve this goal of mine and that I have overcome all the obstacles I have passed before my achievements.