Thursday, August 20, 2009

..challenge [8th entry]..

I chose the challenges: a. tell the truth c. admit mistake d. return excess change e. avoid cheating. Honestly, I have tried to take all the challenges but unfortunately I am not able to accomplish the second challenge which is to return recovered things because I have nothing to return to any one.
During my first challenge: to tell the truth, I'm thankful because I am able to accomplish and do it. I felt very peaceful and calm because I don't have to worry things that keeps on lingering in my mind. About this challenge, I am able to say to my mom that I have failed my second long exam in IT and because I told her earlier, she didn't get angry and told me to study harder.
On the other hand, I also take the challenge to admit my mistake. It's when a friend of mine and I have this little misunderstanding about a certain thing. And I admit to her that it's my fault and not him. I am able to lower my pride and I'm the first one to apologize to him. When I do this thing I felt very eased. I felt that my burdens were washed away and I have nothing to worry about.
Another challenge that I took up was to return the excess change. My mom gave me two thousand pesos for me to pay my miscellaneous fee in school. As soon as I got home, I gave the change to her but luckily, she said that I can keep it as my extra money. I'm so happy for myself to have such a reward for being an honest sweet girl.
I also tried the last challenge: to avoid cheating. I honestly don't cheat because I believe that I can do things through my own skills and intelligence. I believe that each of us don't have to copy from others especially on quizzes and exams because I believe that each of us have our own capability and intelligence in understanding things as long as we listen and review for it and as long as we exert effort to make things possible.
After all the challenges that I take, I felt very complete and very comfortable. I'm glad to know that I have accomplished the challenges and that it do me good.
I realized that honesty is really the best policy that each one of us should always keep on mind because this will help you to relax and keep you away from worrying on too many problems.