Thursday, August 20, 2009

..peer pressure [10th entry]..

Back in my high school life, I have this very unforgettable experience due to bad peer pressure or negative peer pressure.
It was the night after the Christmas day, my friends, which are very close to me and whom I trusted the most, went to our house to visit me and my family and to know if we're celebrating christmas very joyfully. There's no really intension of doing this thing, it was really like a game or a deal. My friends planned of inviting me to have some drink. It was really our first time if that's so. A friend of mine suggested if we could drink. She first invite the others and they agreed except for me. But unfortunately, I can't resist them. After a while I agreed with them but with conditions. I told them never to be drunk.
After some hours, one of my friend, who is the one who suggested the session, got drunk and she was very noisy around. She didn't even know what she was doing as we told the story to her.
Our session lasted until 1 in the morning.
After that experience, I realized that I should know when to say "NO" to what my friends wanted me to do. I also learned that before I make a decision I must think quickly and intelligently and also responsibly.